
Imperfect Poet

Poetry, short stories and other things.


August 2016


you thief of inspiration.

Be gone

you thief of thoughts.

Away with you

you thief of words.

You nameless creacher

that feeds on


be gone with you,

I pray.

Heaven and Earth

​I see yellow 

and green


and trees


with the blue 


and soft blankets

of white water


in the blue


And I wonder, 

are heaven and earth

really so different?


This van
This view
The wind
This song
These people
Their smiles
My laugh
In this moment
I am content
I am happy.
I am here
I am

When you find…

When you find
that which
you, you find
that which you
When you see
what you
write about
you see
what you
care about.
And when you
discover that which
motivates you
you discover
what you want.

I feel like I am

I feel like I am
a slope
a slide
a spiral
that has no end
I say
I plead
And You answer:
This is a
staircase –
down is easy
up is hard,
you know
where to go
and which way is worth it.

Have you ever

Have you ever felt alone?
Not the kind of alone you feel at night while thinking of all those sleeping, beating hearts that feel nothing for you.  Not the kind of alone that you feel when you stand alone looking out over a beautiful landscape and you think of all those beautiful plants and birds and insects and trees and all of nature that are oblivious to your existence. Not the kind of alone you feel as you look at happy, laughing faces of happy families and couples and friends and you see not a single person by your side. Not the alone that you feel when you realise that no matter how important you think you are and no matter how badly you are suffering and no matter how loudly you scream into the night,  nothing cares.- Not the speeding cars on the highway, nor the people driving them,  not the dark houses around you,  nor the people within. No star in the sky will stop burning and no cloud will stop collecting drops of rivers and no rivers will dry up because of the river in your eyes and the moon will still rotate around the earth and the earth will still rotate around the sun that will still
No,  I mean
have you felt alone standing in a crowd of people who love you,  people who know every part of who you are,  people who would die for you?. Have you ever felt alone while knowing that these people would be comforting you in an instant if only you open your mouth and form the words “i am not okay”, knowing that there is a God that created the universe and he loves you? Have you ever felt so alone that none of this matters and you can feel the tears gathering in your tired eyes yet you blink them away because crying would make you feel better and you don’t really want to feel any better- do you?

Have you ever in times like these suddenly remembered where you are and that you are not alone and there IS beauty in this world and these people DO love you and there is a God who you died to know you and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.?
Me neither.
Not suddenly, that is.

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